Jan Brokken talks to Gwenan Edwards at the Oxford Literary Festival

Jan Brokken talks to journalist and former BBC News presenter Gwenan  Edwards about his monumental book Baltic Souls: Remnarkable Life Stories from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. On the last day of the Oxford Literary Festival, on Sunday, 6 April in the Weston Lecture Theater in Oxford at 10.00am.

     Award-winning writer Jan Brokken mixes stories of his own travels to the Baltic countries with a look at the cultural richness of the region and tales of personal tragedy over eight centuries. Outstanding journalism mixed with pure literary non-fiction.

– “Brokken ponders the natural beauty and tangled history of the Baltic states in this lustrous collection of short biographies of artists and writers who hail from the region. Brokken makes keen observations about off-kilter post-Soviet life that provide a whimsical counterpoint to the many mid-20th-century tales steeped in tragedy he recounts. It’s an amusing and erudite travelogue.”- Publishers Weekly *****


Date: 6 April

Time: 10:00am

Interview: 1 hour

Place: Weston Lecture Theatre,

Broad Street

Oxford1 3BG

Entry: £8 – £15

Buy Tickets Now: www.oxfordliteraryfestival.org

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